Only steps away from a wide range of local transportation systems:
bus, streetcar, subway and train.
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How to get to us:
From the airport
Terminal 1: Tram 8 or 9 direction Hauptbahnhof to "Hauptwache. Change to underground 1, 2 or 3 direction Ginnheim, Gonzenheim or Hohemark.
Get off at the first stop "Eschenheimer Tor.
You´ll find the Turm Hotel on the right hand 200 metres northern the Eschenheimer Tor, which is a historical tower.
From the main station
Take the tram (platform 101 or 102) to "Hauptwache. Change to underground 1, 2 or 3 direction Ginnheim, Gonzenheim or Hohemark.
Get off at the first stop "Eschenheimer Tor.
You´ll find the Turm Hotel on the right hand 200 metres northern the Eschenheimer Tor, which is a historical tower.
By car
Follow the A5 until you reach the NW-Kreuz Frankfurt junction. Exit Miquelallee / A66. Now drive to the second traffic light and turn right into Eschersheimer Landstraße. Go on approximately 1,5 km until you see the Turm Hotel on the left hand. It is possible to turn back 200 metres behind the hotel.
From the fair (Messe)
At stop "Messe: Tram 3, 4, 5 or 6 direction Frankfurt Süd to "Hauptwache" OR
at stop "Festhalle/Messe: Underground 4 to "Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof.
Change to tram (platform 101 or 102) to "Hauptwache.
Change to underground 1, 2 or 3 direction Ginnheim, Gonzenheim or Hohemark. Get off at the first stop "Eschenheimer Tor.
You´ll find the Turm Hotel on the right hand 200 metres northern the
Eschenheimer Tor, which is a historical tower.